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 'Art is not what you see, but what you make others see' 

Amber MB is an abstract/impressionist painter. Her art is something you just keep looking at.


She is characterized by using different materials in her paintings.

Acrylic paint, coffee, salt and materials used in construction. As well as rain, sun and wind.


Gold and silverpaint elevate structure and colour.

Her artwork looks different every moment of the day.


Each work of art has its own playlist.

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J. vd H.

"Her paintings have a unique, recognizable style. Raw and intuitive."


"Each work of art tells its own story and keeps triggering my imagination deeply”


“Her work makes me see something different
every time I look.
It seems to be changing during the day.”


“Very promising,
I think she could be a big  one. I am investing in her work
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